Zakynthos, Flor di Levante, is another Ionian island with unique natural beauties. It is the southest island of the complex and third in extend and population among the Ionian islands. Its privileged geographic location gives visitors the opportunity to reach easily the rest if Ionian islands and the shores of Peloponese, famous for their beauties.
And if today, Zakynthos¢ geographic location is a trump card for tourist development, in the past it was the cause of evils. It was found in the sight of many conquerors of different historic periods that wanted to control Flor di Levante, which means the flowers of East, as Venetians used to call Zakynthos.
Zakynthos is a hilly island characterized by piny mountains and fertile valleys that give her endless green landscapes. While the island¢s idyllic beaches, rocky shores, impressive marine caves impress visitors. Here you will see some of the most famous beaches in the insular Greece, like the Shipwreck, Lagana, Volimies with the Blue Flags, etc. While touring around the island you will be impressed by its unseen natural beauties, historic monuments and hospitable people.
The island is one of the last refuges of marine turtle caretta-caretta and of the Mediterranean monk seal monachus-monachus. That¢s why it was established in the island the National marine Park, in the gulf of Laganas, in order to protect them.
Zakynthos is an island with special culture. It had big spiritual bloom and gave birth to grand personalities of art, literature, poetry, etc. It is the homeland of our National poet Dionysios Solomos and of Andreas Kalvos. It is the place that Gregory Xenopoulos lived and many other personalities of our latest history.
It is the island of serenade and light opera. Here, all feelings are dressed with notes. How is it possible then not to love Zakynthos? It has everything. History, monuments, imposing hilly bulks, verdurous forests and fertile valleys, endless shores and the blue-green Ionian waters. All these together epitomize every traveler¢s summer dream. Visit Zakynthos and discover this earthly paradise!
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