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Author : Anthi kontosorou Date : 14 / 7 / 2005

The island where a Goddess was born

Are you looking for a hot summer destination? Does your imagination take you to exotic places and then you are afraid that the dream won’t come true? Still, green paradises, and magical beaches with golden shores and turquoise waters might be close to you. Where? In the Aegean arms with many hidden treasures…

Samos is situated in the east part of Aegean sea and it is one of the islands with many choices and activities.
This green Aegean island, with fertile ground and dreamy lacy shores, long history and remarkable monuments, has now evolved to a famous summer resort with international irradiation.

Introduction to Pythagoras' island

One of the most important philosophers and mathematicians of ancient times, Pythagoras, lived in Samos. The astronomer Aristarchos and the philosopher Epikouros were born in this Aegean island.
According to mythology, goddess Hera was also born in Samos island, close to Imvrasos’ river mouth. There, are found the remains of a temple dedicated to her. It is a grandiose construction which, according to Irodotos, was the biggest and the most important of its time.
During ancient times Samos was an important cultural center. As it seems from the findings, a great civilization flourished in the island during the tyranny of Polykrates, around 550 BC. It was then that Samos was the first naval force in Aegean sea and the center of the Ionic civilization. The famous temple of Hera and the Efpalinian Trench, the ancient aqueduct, one of the biggest technical works of antiquity were built then.
Samos followed the route of the rest Aegean islands. It was conquered by Romans, Byzantines, Venetians and Turkish. It suffered from pirate invasions. It was ruined and reborn through its breakage many times.
Now, Samos, beautiful than ever, combines the insular architecture with the baronial nobility and is a pole of attraction for thousands of travelers every year.

Feast of colours

A tour around the island will fill you with unique pictures and aroma. Dense forests, green hills, and fertile plains verdurous of olive trees and vineyards from which the famous products of Samos are produced (oil and wine), will reveal you the endless tones of green. The capital with the baronial glow and the beautiful traditional villages add something to the uniqueness of this place. And of course the magnificent beaches with the lacy shores, small coves and crystal clear waters, complete the puzzle of the Aegean paradise.
Nature was really generous with Samos by giving her unique beauties. This is why the options are many and satisfy all tastes. Those who prefer mountainous areas, just visit mountain Kerkis and Ambelo or Karvounis. The ambulatory routes and the paths will stay in your mind.
The lovers of sea will be fascinated by the beautiful beaches. Crystal clear waters and idyllic landscapes are characteristic of Samos. Apart form swimming and sun bathing you will enjoy water sports. The shades of the sea and the colours of the sun light will fascinate you.
And when the night spreads its veils, you will understand why summer nights in the Greek islands are full of surprises…

Vathi: a wonderful town

The center of Samos is Vathi, the enchanting capital at the northeast part of the island.
Until the beginning of the past century, Vathi was a small settlement close to the port. It slowly started to develop, while soon became a modern city and in 1832 the island’s capital. The town is built amphitheatrically in the arms of a cove and was named after it. In Vathi you will find old and new buildings that create a harmonious picture.
Highly impressive are the imposing neoclassic buildings which now host public offices, while they give a baronial glow to the town and show the financial robustness of the island.

It is worth taking a walk at the old picturesque neighborhoods of the town. As you wander around you will come across some of the most important sites in the island like the Pythagora Square, close to the port, where a marble lion was erected. It is a remarkable monument dedicated to the battle of Kavos Phonias. The stroll around the Municipal Garden will be unforgettable. There you will see the monuments of those died during the 1912 – 13 wars.

During your stay in Vathi don’t miss visiting the Archaeological Museum, hosted in two buildings, which exhibits important collections and findings from the excavations in the island.
Really impressive is the Metropolitan Mansion, hosted under the Byzantine Museum.
With threshold in Vathi, you will easily approach the most beautiful beaches in the island as and the places with tourist interesting. And for those wanting to have a jag on their holidays, Vathi won’t let you down. Here you will find clubs and other places with live music satisfying all tastes.

Karlovasi: the charming town of Aegean sea

Karlovasi is the second town and second port of Samos, which is in constant emulation with Vathi concerning natural beauties. During the 19th century it was the trade and industrial center of Samos and had many mansions. Some of them still keep their glow, while there are others completely derelicted. But Karlovasi has so many things to see, you will soon forget of these pictures.
Here you will see many historic buildings that now host various services, like the Igemonic Mansion, the Hatziyiannio, that hosts the library of the Mathematic School, the renovated building of the Commercial School and the Mathematic School of Aegean University, the Porfiria School, which now hosts the primary school and other important buildings.

Karlovasi is consisted of five settlements. It is worth visiting all five of them. At the settlement of Meseo Karlovasi you will see traditional houses. While in Neo Karlovasi you will find all the shops. There are many options for shopping, food and entertainment.
Karlovasi justly is considered one of the most famous tourist resorts in Samos. All around the island you will find magnificent beaches with pebbles or sand. You can swim in the homonym beach, which has many small coves that seem like private beaches. In a close distance are the beaches Potami and Megalo Seitani, surrounded by high rocks and pine trees that create an idyllic picture.

Where to go - what to see

Samos is ideal for touring. The picturesque villages, the archaeological sites and the natural beauties are ideal for exploring.
Visit Pythagorio, a beautiful village, which has now evolved to a place of great resort. Enjoy your swim in the wonderful beaches of Pythagorio, Aliki, Psili Ammos, Potokaki and Ireo.

It is believed that Pythagorio is built on the remains of Ancient Samos. Very close to the village you will see the famous Efpalinio Trench, the ancient aqueduct that dates back to the 6th century. Irodotos called it “amfistomon trench”. It was built by mechanic Efpalinos. It is a 1040m tunnel stretching from the north side of mountain Kastro to the south. In 2 to 9 m depth is the canal with the pipe that transferred water to the town. According to historic sources this aqueduct was used during the ancient and roman times.
At the same area, 8 km from Pythagorio is Ireo. The most important archaeological site in the island, the temple of Hera. It was a grandiose monument and one of the most important devotional temples of its time.

Make a stop for a swim in Kokkari. A seaside village with tourist infrastructures. It is situated in a privileged location, with many beautiful beaches and green areas. It is a pole of attraction for most visitors. Swim in the homonym beach with the crystal clear waters and the golden shore. Alternatively you can choose the cove of Tsamadou with the pebbles or Lemonakia with crystal clear waters.

Walk at the cobblestone paths of Marathokambos and take a picture in front of the traditional stone houses and the small churches. Marathokambos attracts the lovers of mountain and sea as it is built at the roots of mountain Kerketea around the homonym cove.
The magnificent beaches of Marathokambos will impress you. Especially Hrissi Ammos with the golden shore, which is surrounded by tall pine trees.
Votsalakia is another beautiful beach. The small pebbles are ideal for those who are not fans of sand.
Marathokambos, Limnionas, Aspres and Tsopela are some of the beaches you can easily approach.


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